Posts tagged health and fitness
Grab life and live it

I absolutely loved writing Michelle’s story because she’s a brilliant and inspiring example of a woman who went through the worst of times and came out stronger. Suffering with debilitating anxiety, Michelle decided on a whim to enter an obstacle course race. The feeling of accomplishment changed her life and she now competes in obstacle races all over the country. She has overcome many obstacles - literal and metaphorical. Out now in Best!

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How walking can save your life

In Take a Break this week I write about the life changing power of walking in the countryside - something I try and do every day and believe to be nature’s greatest medicine. Huge thanks to the team at Merrel and mental health charity MIND for the interesting statistics and expert comment. And to Cath, for her inspiring road to freedom!

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Making money at the kitchen table

Thanks to lockdown we’re probably all thinking of ways we can make money at the kitchen table! To inspire us, here’s Mary, Jane and Penny with the stories of how they came to be the entrepreneurs that they are. Penny is an incredible artist, Jane is the creator of Sweet Revolution, a delicious range of lattes, and Mary-Rose is the founder of Skinirvana, a beauty oil which, I can tell you from personal experience, is magic in a bottle. Out now in Best!

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